Wednesday, May 7, 2008

CSUF's associate dean worked on ConCEPTs

After 31 years of instruction and service for Cal State Fullerton, Dr. David Fromson, associate dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has retired.
Fromson was commemorated at a "Retirement Farewell Reception today at CSUF's Alumni House.
The professor has spent many years as an advocate of science education.
He was a project leader in developing "Contextual Coursework for Elementary Pre-Service Teachers, known as ConCEPT, increase the quality and quantity of science instruction in the state's elementary classrooms to reverse the historically poor preparation of many of California's elementary school teachers in science," according to Web site for the Center for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education at CSUF.
"In collaboration with five local community colleges, CSUF has developed the new instruction.
Since most elementary teachers fulfill their science requirements at community colleges, ConCEPT will target prospective elementary teachers at CSUF and the community colleges (a pool of 3,500-4,500 students). ConCEPT will draw on existing exemplary curriculum materials to develop three 3-unit courses, including laboratory experience, designed to help future K-6 teachers understand science concepts, acquire science process skills and implement the K-6 National Science Education Standards. The courses will be cross-disciplinary, with a contextual approach to science and a hands-on, inquiry-based pedagogy. ConCEPT courses will be developed collaboratively during the first year and refined and piloted during the second year.

ConCEPT's immediate impact will be to change the way future elementary teachers at the six participating institutions experience science.

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