Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catalina to celebrate flying fish

The flying fish, or Exocoetidae, will be gliding off the Pacific Ocean shores of Catalina Island for the warm months of summer and the Catalina Island Conservancy group will be welcoming them.
The 1st annual Flying Fish Festival will be held from May 29 – June 1 in celebration of the annual return of Catalina Island’s famous flying fish for a four day festival of family fun.
There will be flying fish tours aboard the histroic Blanche W, a 1922 vessel built for the original flying fish tours. Join with the Conservancy and take a rare, wonderful excursion to the Catalina Island Marine Institute at Toyon Bay on Saturday and Sunday.
As part of the Conservancy’s Living History Street Theater program, meet Charles Frederick Holder, founder of the Tuna Club and one of the Island’s first conservationists. Met Blanche Trask, the Island’s first botanist as she shows you the treasures of the Wrigley Memorial & Botanical Garden. And, at the Garden, meet Tachi, our beautiful Island fox ambassador.
Here is a cool video from National Geographic Magazine, which claims to have a record flying fish flight.

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