Saturday, February 16, 2008

LA to enforce green buildings

The green initiative might have finally made its way to one of the most polluted cities in the country. Los Angeles, a place of crowded smog-filled highways, diesel-clouded harbors and towering sky-scrapers, could enforce a new requirement for new inland developments, according to the Los Angeles Times>,1,2288151.story . The requirement was voted on by two city council committees this Friday and will be up for adoption soon by the city council. The new ordinance would require that all new buildings implement "low-flow toilets, paints with low-emissions, use of recyclable materials, efficient irrigation, solar panels, and natural light."
The average "green buildings" would cut energy by 30 percent, water by 40 percent, greenhouse emissions by 40 percent, and solid waste by 70 percent.
Oddly enough, local developers and architects have lauded the new ordinance, according to the times, after more than a year of negotiations.
Hopefully, if this new ordinance is passed, maybe some nearby cities will open up their eyes as well and follow suit.

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