Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tom Morello to rage against trucker deal

Guitarist and now solo artist Tom Morello of "Rage Against the Machine" was expected to attend the Long Beach Harbor Commission meeting Tuesday Feb. 19 in protest against a plan that could over-ride the unprecedented agreement to reduce air pollution from trucks coming from the Port of Long Beach. The port agreed to pass a consession plan that would phase out gas guzzling diesel engines to be replaced with engines with lower emissions, making Long Beach and Los Angeles one of the greenest harbors in the country.
But Tuesday's decision could mean that the port could hire contractors and/or truck drivers that would keep things the way they are, only requiring them to pass a smog check.
Environmentalists were expected to storm the meeting in protest against the plan, saying it's not a good deal,
according to the Press-Telegram> http://www.presstelegram.com/ci_8299188
Many environmental agencies and groups were upset about this plan and then threatened to file a lawsuit against the city's mayor and board members of the commission.
In contrast, many trucker were also expected to protest the plan aswell, saying that it would exploit employees, because contract drivers are exempt.
The Harbor Commission will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19, at the Port Administration Building, 925 Harbor Plaza, Long Beach. To view a Fact Sheet, the
board documents and the live webcast, go to the Port’s web site at

No information has been provided as to what the decision was yet.


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