Our guys are determined, that is, Joel and Marcus, two environmentalists who took to the seas of the Pacific to make a point about the pollution our plastic contamination is causing on our much needed ocean environment.
I have faith in both these men, who, with the help of hundreds of people, are making a difference.
It sounds like fun, but right now they have passed Isla De Guadeloupe, the farthest south island off the west coast. They're heading for the Big Island of Hawaii, now only surviving off of cans of beans and corn on a make-shift boat made of 15,00 plastic bottles, Cessna fuselage and a sail, named JUNK.
The energy that these two have is fueled by the pure will to spread the word about environmental causes, such as the fact that tons of plastic is dropped into our ocean currents each year.
That is ridiculous!!!
We need to reduce, reuse, and recycle, which is in order for a reason.
I applaud these guys for not only making our generation of people look good, but also for telling the world, scientifically, what is going on.